On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 04:49:33AM +0000, Yuri Budilov wrote:
> Can these forums be moved to internet ?

Last I looked, SMTP generally works on the Internet.  You mean "the
web", which is a part of but not all of the Internet.

> So hard to follow, so hard to search for historical answers.

Why do you find it hard to follow?  The list is pretty well-ordered
and tends to thread nicely, so you can use any threaded mail reader
(or reader in threaded mode) and you should have some success.  I note
from the headers on your mail that you appear to be using both MS
Exchange and MS Outlook.  I haven't looked since the early 2000s, so
things might be better, but I recall Outlook having really bad
threading support at the time.  Maybe you need to switch to gmail for
reading the postgres lists.  It threads ok, and meets your stated
requirement of being in a browser.

As for historical answers, I'm not exactly sure what you want but you
will find at https://www.postgresql.org/list/ a "search archives"
function and an "advanced" search function at
https://www.postgresql.org/search/?m=1.   It's as good as most online
forum search tools I've ever used, though not as good as Google.
Which, I note, works well too.

> We really need to be able to post via browser.

Why?  What does "post via browser" get you that sending an email
doesn't?  I can think of somethign it does _not_ get you, however, and
that is the attention of some of the key contributors to Postgres, who
appear to work mostly in a mode where email makes things easy for them
and logging into a new forum tool makes things harder.

Best regards,

Andrew Sullivan

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