On 2017-03-29 08:49:57 -0700, Steve Crawford wrote:
> When firewalls/VPNs stand between my psql client and a remote PostgreSQL 
> server
> the connection will on occasion time out and drop. This results in the
> following scenario:
> -Leave for lunch mid project - leave psql open.
> -Return from lunch, complete and submit large query.
> -Notice query is taking too long. cancel it.
> -Cancel doesn't return - realize that connection has dropped.
> -Kill psql - history is not written out. Start query from scratch.
> Is there:
> Yes, I know I and my coworkers could spend brain cycles trying to unerringly
> remember to close and restart connections, write all queries in an external
> editor and then submit them, etc. but I'm looking for more user friendly
> options.

One workaround could be to login to the server, start a screen session
and psql in the screen session. Then if your network connection drops
you can simply login again and resume the screen session. Of course this
only works if you have a shell login on the server which may not be the


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | A coding theorist is someone who doesn't
|_|_) |                    | think Alice is crazy.
| |   | h...@hjp.at         | -- John Gordon
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