>> I have set work_mem to a very low value intentionally for demonstration 
>> purposes: 
>> postgres=# show work_mem; 
>> work_mem 
>> ---------- 
>> 16MB 
>> (1 row) 
>> postgres=# show shared_buffers ; 
>> shared_buffers 
>> ---------------- 
>> 128MB 
>> (1 row) 
>> When I run the following query ( I know that "not in" is not a good choice 
>> here ): 
>> postgres=# select count(user_id) from users where user_id not in ( select id 
>> from ids); 

>"NOT IN" where the predate is a table column can lead to very poor 
>query plans especially where the haystack is not provably known (at 
>plan time) to contain only not null values. By reducing work_mem, the 
>server has decided has to repeatedly search the table to search for 
>the presence of null values. Try converting the query to NOT EXISTS. 

Thank you, Merlin. As said I know that "not in" is not a good choice in this 
case but I still do not get what is going here. Why does the server repeatedly 
search for NULL values when I decrease work_mem and why not when increasing 


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