2017-06-11 18:34 GMT+02:00 Steven Grimm <sgr...@thesegovia.com>:

> On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 8:21 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> Yeah, I've been watching this thread and trying to figure out how to
>> explain that part; I suspected a cause of this form but couldn't
>> make that theory match the 9-iterations observation.  (I still can't.)
> I walked through the Java code in a debugger just now and have an
> explanation for the 5 vs. 9 discrepancy. The JDBC driver keeps a cache of
> queries that have been passed to a connection's prepareStatement() method,
> and inlines the bind values the first 4 times it sees a query in the hopes
> of reducing overhead on one-off queries. So I believe the sequence ends up
> being:
> 1-4: JDBC driver inlines the values, server sees no bind variables

yes - this is client side prepared statement -  prepareThreshold



5: JDBC driver prepares the statement, server sees bind variables and tries
> generic plan
> 6+: JDBC driver reuses the existing prepared statement from iteration 5
> 10: Server has seen the query 5 times before and switches to the custom
> plan
> As for the broader problem, at the risk of being hopelessly naive about
> how all this works internally: Could the discrepancy between the estimated
> and actual row counts be tracked and fed back into the planner somehow?
> -Steve

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