On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Lamar Owen wrote:
> > As a matter of fact, I am an ordained Baptist minister.  Don't
> > know about Bruce -- other than I like his catchy .sig... :-)
> Wow, pretty cool.  I am just an underling.  :-)

Well, we're all underlings.  At most I can be an undershepherd (as a 'pastor'
is -- 'pastor' comes from the same root as 'pasture' -- one feeds, the other
is the place of feeding).  

Well, other than the marriage thing.  You do have to have 'the document' to do

> > If anyone asks about my .sig, I witness accordingly.  Otherwise, 
> > I'm not pushy -- not in this venue, at least.    
> Becoming a Christian was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I
> want to share that, but I don't want to make people uncomfortable
> either.

Your .sig is ideal for this venue.  And your choice of names for your children
make it pretty well obvious where your heart lies. :-)  And I've been in enough
Usenet 'discussions' to know what is and is not appropriate.  And I've preached
enough to enough congregations to, well, have a feel for when it's over the
line.  And I do get rather 'energetic' in _that_ venue.  And accepting Christ
was by far the best thing I've ever done.

But, to go back on topic, PostgreSQL isn't a religious vehicle, either way. 
However, if we're going to call it 'Before Common Era' then our date routines
really need to use the BCE abbreviation -- otherwise, call BC 'Before Christ'
-- although it becomes more than a little paradoxical when you realize after
much study (in particular, the times Cyrenius was governor of Syria that
intersect with the time Herod the Great was still alive (he died in 4 BC
according to most scholars)) that the historical Jesus was most likely born
anywhere from 6 to 4 _BC_, making the abbreviation more than a little
eyebrow-raising.  (ever heard a computer programmer/engineer preach :-))....

God didn't set the calendar date -- a man did, 1600 or so years ago.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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