David G. Johnston wrote:
> In hindsight I'm not surprised but couldn't find a ready explanation on the 
> web and
> figured I'd inquire here.  In short: "export VAR" and "export -f 
> functionname" behave
> differently when psql is acting as a relay.

It works for me on Linux with 9.6.3 psql:

laurenz:~> cat psql-call-bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Enter"
echo "EnvVar: $TEST_ENVVAR"
echo "Invoking Function..."


laurenz:~> chmod 0700 psql-call-bash
laurenz:~> function testfunction() { echo "Function Test"; }
laurenz:~> export -f testfunction
laurenz:~> export TEST_ENVVAR='Test'
laurenz:~> psql
Border style is 2.
Line style is unicode.
psql (9.6.3)
Type "help" for help.

test=> \!
laurenz:~> ./psql-call-bash
EnvVar: Test
Invoking Function...
Function Test

Laurenz Albe

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