The comparison would be

a if then else end if .. about 8 of them 2013-> and a static insert into


making a dynamic string and using execute, my presumption would be the
execute would be expensive verses a INSERT command


On 1 August 2017 at 07:04, Scott Marlowe <> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 7:13 PM, Alex Samad <> wrote:
> > How expensive is dynamic over static.  I'm looking at storing yearly
> now, so
> > I figure if my if then clause has the latest year at the top it should be
> > very quick.
> Assuming you're not doing anything particularly crazy it's minimal.
> But what is good performance for one application may not be acceptable
> for others. Generally the cost of inserting is MUCH higher than the
> cost of dynamically setting the target, esp if you stick to plpgsql
> and don't try to use rules to accomplish it.

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