Am 15.08.2017 um 05:15 schrieb Alex Samad:

Quick question.  I have a 2 node cluster - each node has its own ip.

But from reading this, I really need a 3rd ip, which potentially floats between the nodes to which ever is the master / rw node.

Is that right? Sort of makes sense I guess

That's one way to solve that problem. If you are using repmgr/repmgrd you can call own commands on events like failover. And, if you are using pgbouncer or connection-pooling you can change the config for pgbouncer (redefine the databases and there connection strings) and reload pgbouncer. You can do that with the event-notification commands defined in your repmgr-config. Other solution: with some Java-drivers you can define several databases and checks (if the database read-only or rw), the next PostgreSQL 10 will offer a similar feature.

PS.: please don't top-posting.

Regards, Andreas

2ndQuadrant - The PostgreSQL Support Company.

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