On Wed, 20 Sep 2017 10:03:15 +0200, Thomas Güttler
<guettl...@thomas-guettler.de> wrote:

>We run a PostgreSQL 9.6 server in a virtual machine.
>The virtual machine is managed by the customer.
>He does backup the VM.
>Is this enough, is this safe?

It is "safe" if the VM is shut down first or if the backup is by
copying a point-in-time snapshot of the VM.

Whether it is "enough" is a matter of opinion.  Backing up a VM
basically is the equivalent of imaging a hard drive: it's great if the
filesystem is intact and the image is clean ... otherwise it's not so

If the database files on the VM's "drive" develop errors, those errors
will be preserved in the VM backup. 


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