>From git, tag REL_10_0, using MINGW64, when I


I get back the successfully messages.

All of PostgreSQL successfully made. Ready to install.
PostgreSQL installation complete.

The git "src\interfaces\libpq" directory has 28 entries.

dir C:\Builds\postgres\source\src\interfaces\libpq

10/08/2017  07:54 PM    <DIR>          .
10/08/2017  07:54 PM    <DIR>          ..
09/11/2017  09:13 PM               441 .gitignore
09/11/2017  09:13 PM             5,134 exports.txt
09/11/2017  09:13 PM            17,249 fe-auth-scram.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM            31,473 fe-auth.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM             1,107 fe-auth.h
10/08/2017  07:54 PM           165,750 fe-connect.c
10/08/2017  07:54 PM            94,030 fe-exec.c
10/08/2017  07:54 PM            23,055 fe-lobj.c
10/08/2017  07:54 PM            30,613 fe-misc.c
10/08/2017  07:54 PM            16,937 fe-print.c
10/08/2017  07:54 PM            41,938 fe-protocol2.c
10/08/2017  07:54 PM            59,085 fe-protocol3.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM            44,061 fe-secure-openssl.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM            10,805 fe-secure.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM             4,485 libpq-events.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM             2,211 libpq-events.h
09/11/2017  09:13 PM            22,179 libpq-fe.h
09/11/2017  09:13 PM            25,468 libpq-int.h
10/08/2017  07:54 PM               815 libpq.rc.in
09/11/2017  09:13 PM             6,134 Makefile
10/08/2017  07:54 PM               406 nls.mk
09/11/2017  09:13 PM               604 pg_service.conf.sample
10/08/2017  07:54 PM    <DIR>          po
09/11/2017  09:13 PM            10,167 pqexpbuffer.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM             6,367 pqexpbuffer.h
09/11/2017  09:13 PM               994 pthread-win32.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM               108 README
09/11/2017  09:13 PM    <DIR>          test
09/11/2017  09:13 PM             5,922 win32.c
09/11/2017  09:13 PM               668 win32.h
              28 File(s)        628,206 bytes
               4 Dir(s)  1,828,619,653,120 bytes free

However, if I get my PostgreSQL code from here ...

as postgresql-10.0.tar.bz2


then this directory ("src\interfaces\libpq") has 33 entries (and not 28).

Using MINGW64, When I do


I get back errors

  1. exports.exe is required ( the git code 'make' does not require 
pexports.exe ) )
  2. x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe: error: libpqdll.def: No such file or directory 
( BUT libpqdll.def IS there )
  3. make: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.

2. specifically

make[3]: Entering directory 

x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith 
-Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute 
-Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -O2  
  -I../source_pg.10.0.wide.PY3/src/include/port/win32 -DEXEC_BACKEND  
 -DSO_MAJOR_VERSION=5  -c -o pthread-win32.o 
 -MMD -MP -MF .deps/pthread-win32.Po
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith 
-Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute 
-Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -O2  
 -shared -static-libgcc -o libpq.dll  fe-auth.o fe-auth-scram.o fe-connect.o 
fe-exec.o fe-misc.o fe-print.o fe-lobj.o fe-protocol2.o fe-protocol3.o 
pqexpbuffer.o fe-secure.o libpq-events.o chklocale.o inet_net_ntop.o noblock.o 
pgstrcasecmp.o pqsignal.o thread.o crypt.o inet_aton.o strlcpy.o getaddrinfo.o 
open.o system.o win32error.o win32setlocale.o snprintf.o pg_strong_random.o 
encnames.o wchar.o base64.o ip.o md5.o scram-common.o saslprep.o unicode_norm.o 
sha2.o pgsleep.o win32.o libpqrc.o pthread-win32.o libpqdll.def 
-L../../../src/port -L../../../src/common -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition 
-Wl,--disable-auto-import  -L/w/zlib-1.2.8-win32-x86_64/bin 
-L/w/zlib-1.2.8-win32-x86_64/lib -Wl,--as-needed    -lshell32 -lws2_32 
-lsecur32  -lpgcommon  -lz -lws2_32 -lm -lws2_32 -Wl,--out-implib=libpq.a
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe: error: libpqdll.def: No such file or directory  ( 
BUT libpqdll.def IS there )
make[3]: *** 
 libpq.dll] Error 1

Here I show (different from git) 33 files and not 28 files ...
c:\>dir W:\postgres_constructions\source_pg.10.0\src\interfaces\libpq

10/08/2017  09:47 AM    <DIR>          .
10/08/2017  09:47 AM    <DIR>          ..
10/02/2017  04:09 PM               441 .gitignore
10/02/2017  04:09 PM             5,134 exports.txt
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            17,249 fe-auth-scram.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            31,473 fe-auth.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM             1,107 fe-auth.h
10/02/2017  04:09 PM           165,750 fe-connect.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            94,030 fe-exec.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            23,055 fe-lobj.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            30,613 fe-misc.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            16,937 fe-print.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            41,938 fe-protocol2.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            59,085 fe-protocol3.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            44,061 fe-secure-openssl.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            10,805 fe-secure.c
10/02/2017  04:15 PM               823 libpq-dist.rc
10/02/2017  04:09 PM             4,485 libpq-events.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM             2,211 libpq-events.h
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            22,179 libpq-fe.h
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            25,468 libpq-int.h
10/02/2017  04:09 PM               815 libpq.rc.in
10/02/2017  04:15 PM             6,155 libpqddll.def
10/02/2017  04:15 PM             6,154 libpqdll.def   ( BUT libpqdll.def IS 
there )
10/02/2017  04:09 PM             6,134 Makefile
10/02/2017  04:09 PM               406 nls.mk
10/02/2017  04:09 PM               604 pg_service.conf.sample
10/08/2017  09:47 AM    <DIR>          po
10/02/2017  04:09 PM            10,167 pqexpbuffer.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM             6,367 pqexpbuffer.h
10/02/2017  04:09 PM               994 pthread-win32.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM               108 README
10/08/2017  09:47 AM    <DIR>          test
10/02/2017  04:09 PM             5,922 win32.c
10/02/2017  04:09 PM               668 win32.h
              31 File(s)        641,338 bytes
               4 Dir(s)  1,757,686,501,376 bytes free

Would someone mind looking into this problem?

Why is the distribution 
different (and not compile ) compared to the git tag REL_10_0 distribution that 
does compile?

Andre Mikulec

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