On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Vik Fearing <vik.fear...@2ndquadrant.com>

> On 10/18/2017 08:17 PM, Don Seiler wrote:
> > I disagree with this. It isn't my company's business to test the
> > Postgres software in development, as much as it would be needed and
> > appreciated by the community.
> Yeah, let others do it for you!  Great attitude.

It's a realistic, practical attitude. I'm sorry that not every company
wants to offer the resources to contribute back to the community as much as
you want. But it's foolish to expect a company to perform their development
lifecycle against betas and RCs. They have their own products to worry
about. A gallant few may let their DBAs do some sandbox testing to
contribute time back to the community, but you can't expect them to.

> > I'm planning a mass upgrade to 9.6 soon as well and the question was
> raised
> > as to whether or not to go right to 10.0, and I quickly put that down.
> Right, because when you say "official release versus a beta or release
> candidate", you don't actually mean it.

I don't even know what you mean here. You're responding like I ran over
your dog and it's quite ridiculous.

Plain and simple, I wouldn't expect any DBA responsible for production
databases to run on a new major release, regardless of platform/vendor.
It's asking for a headache and maybe a few noisy pager nights. It doesn't
matter how much faith I have in the Postgres contributors/developers, I
have a responsibility to my employer to keep their database platforms up
and running. That is first and foremost. I'm sure if I found myself with
time to spare, I'll test upgrading a prod clone to 10 and asking some devs
to run it through its paces, but spare time is a luxury that you can't just
expect people to have.

Don Seiler

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