On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 08:51:23PM +0000, Rhhh Lin wrote:
> However, this query will run for days without completing. I suspect it has to 
> do with the timestamp predicate and lack of using an appropriate index access 
> path. This is what I need to verify/establish.

Perhaps the timestamp index is badly fragmented, and perhaps it would help to

> So I try and perform a simple 'EXPLAIN <query>' in order to check what the 
> planner has for the execution of this query.
> And after approx. six hours waiting, nothing has returned. It is still 
> executing, but has not given me back my prompt (I can see the session is 
> still active).My understanding is that the simple EXPLAIN version does not 
> actually execute the query, so I do not understand why this is also 
> performing poorly/hanging/stuck? Any ideas?

Is explain "wait"ing ?  If you do "ps -fu postgres |grep EXPLAIN" does it say
"EXPLAIN waiting" ?

Or, if you "ps uww ThePID" does it show lots of CPU(or RAM) ?

If you do "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid=??" (from "ps" or from
SELECT pg_backend_pid() before starting "explain") does it show "active" state
or waiting ?

If it's waiting, you can see what it's waiting ON by looking at pg_locks..
Maybe like: SELECT c.query, * FROM pg_locks a JOIN pg_locks b USING(relation)
JOIN pg_stat_activity c ON b.pid=c.pid WHERE a.pid=?? (from ps)


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