
On 2017-11-06 09:17, hmidi slim wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know if I can combine multiple text search configurations when
> I tried to use FTS.
> Is there any options like this:
> *to_tsvector(['english', 'french'], document)*
> *
> *
> Trying to create a new text configuration:
> *Create text search configuration test (copy=simple)*
> *Alter text search configuration test*
> *add mapping for asciiword with english_stem,french_stem*
> *
> *
> This query doesn't work. How can I combine multiple text search
> configurations if I need more than one into my query to search a word?

what about using two indexes, one for each language? If your documents
can either be English OR French, the English OR the French vector should
match an English OR French tsquery.

It is not clear to me how combining two stemmers should practically work
since each word can only have one stem. If you have multilingual
documents or texts with code switching, you could also try combining the
two vectors both for the documents and the query:

(to_tsvector('english', document) || to_tsvector('french', document)) @@
(to_tsquery('english', query) || to_tsquery('french', query))

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