At 02:57 PM 8/18/03 -0400, Dev wrote:
Hello all,

I am working on setting up a table that will append a sequence to the end of the value inserted.
INSERT INTO test (test) VALUES ('abcd');
And have the data in the database be;

Now I do have things setup else where were the default value for the field is such:
default ('abcd'::text || lpad(text(nextval('test_sequence'::text)), 4, '0'::text))

But i want the "abcd" or what erver to be added in the insert?

What am I missing to make this happen?

I don't think you can do what you want to do with a column default. Instead you want to look at the rewrite rules. You can find information about them here:

If I'm wrong I'm sure someone here will correct me :).

--- Adam Kavan

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