On Tuesday 25 November 2003 07:56 pm, Sander Steffann wrote:
> It turns out that preventing RH9 from building the debuginfo package also
> prevented it from stripping the binaries.

Ah, ok.

> This was what caused the big
> difference in filesize. I have rebuilt the RPMs for RH9 and put them on
> http://opensource.nederland.net/.

> I had to make a small modification to the specfile (again) because it seems
> that macro's work differently for each RPM / RedHat version. There have
> been no other changes to the sources or specfile, so the end-result is the
> same.

Ooo... yet more macro differences.  Saturday I'll need to put some time into 
understanding how to make a singular set...

> Sorry for the inconvenience I caused by disabling the debuginfo package!
> Sander.

Not a big problem.

I'll pull down the new packages tomorrow afternoon; I was going to be off, but 
will have to come in for a couple of hours. So I'll transfer them across 

Many thanks!
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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