Tom Lane wrote:

Adding an MD5 hash contributes *absolutely zero*, except waste of space,
to any attempt to make a GUID.  The hash will add no uniqueness that was
not there before.

The cool thing about a 'GUID' (or in my example a hashed sequence number [sure
toss in some entropy if you want it]) is that if you happen to reference that
value as a primary key on a table, the URL that passes the argument can not
be guessed at easily. For example using a sequence:

Then, users of the web will assume that you have at most 12345 customers. And
they can try to look up information on other customers by doing:

...basically walking the sequence. Sure, you will protect against this with
access rights, BUT...seeing the sequence is a risk and not something you want
to happen. NOW, if you use a GUID:

Right, so now try to guess the next value in this sequence.  It's a little
more protective and obfuscated (an advantage in using GUIDs).


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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