On 15. feb 2004, at 18:18, Tom Lane wrote:
A workaround you could think about is invoking the LO functions via
ordinary SELECT commands, ignoring libpq's LO API altogether.  This
would have been rather painful in pre-7.4 releases since you'd have
to be willing to deal with quoting and dequoting "bytea" values, but
as of 7.4 you could use PQsendQueryParams() and specify binary format
for the bytea inputs and results.

I think I'll go down that road provided it's not a performance killer.

I'll also be considering using a custom perl-socket-server system I implemented for kicks (it's put up at http://uti.is/david/320_maintserver_procs.sql, BSD license). It does gzip of the steam for free, which is a win.


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