On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Sumita Biswas wrote:

> Hi All,
> Our application is using the Postgres 7.3.4-RH database that is packaged
> with the AS3.0 for CCM. There is a variable type called refcursor that
> is being used by CAR Functions in Postgres database. This variable works
> fine when we execute the postgres Function from the database i.e through
> psql. When we try to execute the Function from java code, it uses
> pg73jdbc3.jar which is bundled with the Postgres 7.3.4, and
> pg73jdbc3.jar does not support this variable type refcursor.
> It works fine with pg74jdbc3.jar which comes along with Postgres 7.4.
> Is this a bug?

I don't know what you mean by "is being used by CAR Functions in Postgres 
database", but I assume this is a client application you have installed.  
If so it is up to the application to specify its runtime requirements, 
which in this case include an updated jar file.  If it did not specify 
this then the bug is with CAR, but not with postgres, client support often 
lags new backend functionality.

Kris Jurka

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