Am Montag, 16. August 2004 16:20 schrieb Csaba Nagy:
> Peter is definitely not a newby on this list, so i'm sure he already
> thought about some kind of pooling if applicable... but then I'm
> dead-curious what kind of application could possibly rule out connection
> pooling even if it means so many open connections ? Please give us some
> light Peter...

There is already a connection pool in front of the real server, but the 
connection pool doesn't help you if you have in fact 10000 concurrent 
requests, it only saves connection start effort.  (You could make the 
connection pool server queue the requests, but that is not the point of this 
exercise.)  I didn't quite consider the RAM question, but the machine is 
almost big enough that it wouldn't matter.  I'm thinking more in terms of the 
practical limits of the internal structures or the (Linux 2.6) kernel.

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