"McDougall, Marshall (FSH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have an existing installation of 7.3.4 that appears to have been made with
> "--without-readline and --without-zlib" parameters used at build time.  How
> do I change those  parms without reinstalling the whole thing.  I would
> normally go through the archives, but they appear to be unavailable.  All
> replies appreciated.

The minumum you can do is recompile with the configure options you
want, move the affected new binaries into place, and restart.  There's
really no reason not to do a full "make install" though--you won't have
to dump and reload your data, and it's easier than figuring out by
hand what you need to upgrade...

Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.
   --T. J. Jackson, 1863

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