Josh Close wrote:
Is there a way to remove idle connections? My postgres server is
getting serveral hundred idle connections. It's due to a postgres .NET
provider not closing the connections properly. I don't want to kill
them all, or restart postgres everytime the connections go crazy.

I do not think is problem of not close the connections. I bet the driver is acting like this:

On connection: . Connect . start transaction

On Commit:
        . commit transaction
        . start transaction

On Abort:
        . abort transaction
        . start transaction

On statemet:
        . execute statement

As you can see you are always inside a transaction, idle I mean. BTW this is the behaviour of python driver PgDB ( I suggest to use psycopg instead ) and before the 8.0 series the JDBC driver did the same. The way to solve it is, delay the begin till the first statement:

On connection: . Connect

On Commit:
        . commit transaction

On Abort:
        . abort transaction

On statemet:
        . If is the first statement after a connection or a commit or
          an abort execute the: start transaction
        . execute statement

For rpm mantainer: why do not include the psycopg instead of the actual
python driver ?

Regards Gaetano Mendola

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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