Weiping wrote:

> Tom Lane wrote:
>> What locale did you initdb in? The most likely explanation for this
>> is that the LC_CTYPE setting is not unicode-compatible.
finally I get it work, while initdb, we should use matched locale
setting and database encoding, like:

initdb --locale=zh_CN.utf8 -E UNICODE ...

then everything ok (on my platform: slackware 10 and RH9).

Emm, I think it's better to add some words in our docs to tell the uesr
to do so,
because we always to use --no-locale while initdb, because the default
setting of many Linux destro (normally en_US), would cause the multibyte
character compare operaction fail (like "select '一' = '二'", that's
"select 'one'='two'" in Chinese,
but it return true), and we use UNICODE as database encoding to store
multi-language characters
(like Japanese and Korean), don't know if the locale setting
(zh_CN.utf8) would conflict with
those setting.

Any better suggestion?



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