I attempted to install 8.0 RC 2 alongside 7.4.5 on my OS X box, but initdb failed with an error about not enough shared memory.

Remembering that this was a problem for starting two postmasters at the same time on OS X, I increased the shmmax value to 500 megabytes (I had seen something say raising it to half the available ram would be fine), but when I rebooted my machine neither 8.0 or 7.4.5 would start.

So I lowered it to 256 megabytes, thinking there might be an upper limit on that kind of stuff. When I rebooted my machine, 7.4.5 starts fine, but 8.0 still will not start alongside it.

I don't particularly need both postmasters running at the same time, but I would like to figure out the solution to this problem.

(By the way, in the course of this I attempted to manually run /etc/rc ... there were humorous results and my computer didn't really like it: http://www.visualdistortion.org/misc/dont_do_this.png)

Jeffrey Melloy

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