
This looks really good.  I wish it were going into Sarge, though of
course the timing isn't right for that.  :)

A couple things I noticed about the automated upgrade procedure

1) Since it uses pg_dumpall, it doesn't seem to be capable of handling
   databases with large objects (these have to be dumped individually
   using one of the non-text dump formats and the -b option).
   Furthermore, I believe it will fail silently, as pg_dumpall will
   simply leave out the pg_largeobject table and return success for
   such databases, which will be left with dangling LO references.

2) It is fairly commonly recommended, when doing a dump/restore
   upgrade, to use the new version's pg_dump to dump out the old
   database, as that generally makes it easier to load into the new
   version without manual surgery on the dump file.  The sentence "All
   operations are done with the software version appropriate to the
   cluster version." in the document seems to preclude this option. 

Thanks for putting so much thought into this!


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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