>>Von: Duffner
> Von: Shachar Shemesh
> Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] ADO adCmdStoredProc PlPgSql-SP Parameters

> >How do I call a StoredProcdure, written in PlPqSql
> >which returns a set of records (or tableWhatever)
> >and wants parameters,
> >from ADO while using "adCmdStoredProc" ?

> Which driver are you using? If it's the OLE DB provider, then
> there is a solution, 
> provided that you modify your stored procedure a little. 
> You can probably write a wrapper procedure, 
> if that's not acceptable as it is.

I had been told not to use the OLE driver because it is not working
Now I will give it a try anyway. 
There is nothing to change, because we are still investigating postgre to
know which way we will use it. 
And if :-)

[One day later]
I tried it and we will not use the OLE driver for a LONG time.
> If your function returns "refcursor", then OLE DB will
> interpret that to  mean that the function has rowset returns, and will
> the standard calls surrounding returning multiple results.

When I tried to retrieve multiple cursors via ADO/ODBC I got a table
with the names of the cursors.
Is it possible to use these cursors somehow ?


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