>It is the only known way to control triggers though it isn't regularly
>tested by the developers.

I think I've come up with another way.. I posted this recently, but did
not get any feedback on it so I'm not sure how dumb it is...  It is
working really great for me though....

All I did was added an extra column to my table (I called it
"batch_process").  Then in
the trigger do something like (in whichever function you are calling):

IF NEW.batch_update IS NOT NULL AND NEW.batch_update = ''t'' THEN
  NEW.batch_process := NULL;
.. whatever the rest of transaction is

Then when doing an insert, just:

INSERT INTO table (..., batch_process) VALUES (..., 't') when you want the
trigger not to fire...

Or an update:

UPDATE TABLE table SET ...., batch_process = 't' ....

I'm not sure sure how to make it work on a function called from a delete
trigger though.. ;-(

- Greg

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