Alex Adriaanse presumably uttered the following on 03/13/05 15:23:

I'm working on an application for a client that uses PostgreSQL as its database backend. The client wants to train their team on PostgreSQL so that they can maintain the application and the database themselves after it goes live should they need to. As far as I know the majority of them don't have any experience with databases (other than using applications that rely on them of course). The type of training that they would need would need to cover generic database concepts (database design, SQL), as well as PostgreSQL-specific information (mostly database administration, maybe some performance tuning).

They can travel anywhere within the US to take the training. I noticed there were a few training events posted on, but only one of them is within the US (PostgreSQL Bootcamp, next month), and I'm not sure if that course would offer the right type of training for them (I think they'd need something more elementary).

Do you guys have any suggestions as far as training is concerned (training events throughout the year, companies that do PostgreSQL training, etc.)?

Thanks a lot,


I would like to mention that the folks at the Big Nerd Ranch (tm) who run the PostgreSQL boot camp also do on-site training which would then be tailored to your own organization's needs. ( Having attended their week-long training I can certainly attest to the benefits such training has.


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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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