On Sat, 2 Apr 2005, [ISO-8859-1] Poul Møller Hansen wrote:

> >This sort of thing has been seen to occur when multiple client-side
> >threads try to use the same database connection without proper locking
> >to ensure only one thread uses it at a time.  See for example
> >http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2004-09/msg00104.php
> >
> This is exactly what I am doing. Must admit I haven't considered that as
> an issue. For performance reasons I suppose one database connection per
> client are preferred rather than using synchronized on the db class ?

The JDBC driver should be doing any synchronization necessary for multiple 
threads.  Could you be more clear what you are doing?  What driver 
version?  Any chance you've got a reproducible example?

Kris Jurka

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