
I have a huge problem here. On a busy server (a web system, mainly java servlets/jsp running on tomcat) running postgresql-8.0.2, all of a sudden, one of the postgres processes gets into the state "idle in transation" (revealed by `ps axU pgsql').

We use transaction very sparesly, so this is a mystery to me. I've swithed on logging of all statements, and also added the transaction id. part of the log is attached. As you can see, the transaction id is incremented, for every query, until suddenly, it is not incremented anymore, but stays the same. It seems to me, from lookin at the logs, that postgres enters a transaction although no BEGIN statement was issued? I hope I'm doing a misinterpretation of the logs here?

So, in a couple of minutes, all connections are taken and a hundred postgres procs sit here waiting for the transaction to finish so they can issue their inserts.

First, there shouldn't be a transaction here at all, how come it starts? And how come there's no BEGIN in the log, if one is actually started?

My solution when this happens (has happened a couple of times a day on a busy server) is to kill the process that is reported "idle in transaction". That way we loose data, I'd rather get it to commit. Is there a way to do that?

Here are all the logging directives in postgresql.conf:

log_destination = 'syslog'
silent_mode = true
log_line_prefix = '<%x>'
log_statement = 'all'

The attached log was grepped on the problematic PID, btw.

postgresql-8.0.2 running on FreeBSD 4.10. jdbc 8.0.311

The icu patch is applied (http://people.freebsd.org/~girgen/postgresql-icu/) but I can't see how that would interfere with transaction handling?

Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15213-8]  (nfold.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_item ni on (ni.node_id = n.node_id)  left outer join 
node_portfolio np on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15213-9]  (np.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_objective nop on (nop.node_id = np.objective_id)  left outer 
join component nopc
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15213-10]  on (nopc.id = 
nop.objective_type_id) where nc.node_id = $1 order by nc.seq
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15214-1] <14243871>LOG:  statement: select 
p.meta_name, p.meta_info, h.start_file_id, h.use_pp_css, p.htype, p.scorm_type, 
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15214-2]  from part p left outer join 
html_part h on (p.id = h.part_id) where p.id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15215-1] <14243872>LOG:  statement: select 
pq.q_submit_id, qs.max_time, qs.lock_other_content from part_quiz pq join 
q_submit qs on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15215-2]  (qs.id = pq.q_submit_id) where 
pq.part_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15216-1] <14243873>LOG:  statement: select 
count(*) from discuss_mail_queue
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15217-1] <14243873>LOG:  statement: select 
qsc.q_submit_id, qs.lock_other_content from q_submit_comp qsc join 
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15217-2]  ppc on (qsc.q_comp_id = 
ppc.component_id) join q_submit qs on (qs.id = qsc.q_submit_id) where 
ppc.part_id = $1 and qs.max_time
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15217-3]  is not null limit 1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-1] <14243873>LOG:  statement: select 
distinct p.email, p.default_language, ds.name, m.heading, m.content, m.created,
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-2]  cp.discuss_mail_only_info, 
c.meta_name, m.creator_name from person p join discuss_subject_subscribe dss on 
(dss.userid =
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-3]  p.userid) join discuss_subject ds 
on (ds.subject_id = dss.subject_id) join discuss_mail_queue dmq on 
(dmq.subject_id =
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-4]  ds.subject_id) join discuss_course 
dc on (dc.subject_id = ds.subject_id) join course c on (c.id = dc.course_id) 
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-5]  course_prefs cp on (cp.course_id = 
c.id) join message m on (m.message_id = dmq.message_id) left outer join 
message_read mr on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-6]  (mr.message_id = m.message_id and 
mr.userid = p.userid) join group_data gd on (gd.this_group_id = dc.group_id and 
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-7]  = p.userid) where mr.userid is null 
union select p.email, p.default_language, ds.name, m.heading, m.content, 
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-8]  cp.discuss_mail_only_info, 
c.meta_name, m.creator_name from person p join discuss_subject_subscribe dss on 
(dss.userid =
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-9]  p.userid) join discuss_subject ds 
on (ds.subject_id = dss.subject_id) join discuss_mail_queue dmq on 
(dmq.subject_id =
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-10]  ds.subject_id) join discuss_group 
dg on (dg.subject_id = ds.subject_id) join group_group gg on (gg.group_id = 
dg.group_id) join
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-11]  course c on (c.groups_group_id = 
gg.this_group_id) join course_prefs cp on (cp.course_id = c.id) join message m 
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-12]  (m.message_id = dmq.message_id) 
left outer join message_read mr on (mr.message_id = m.message_id and mr.userid 
= p.userid) join
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-13]  group_data gd on (gd.this_group_id 
= dg.group_id and gd.item_text = p.userid) where mr.userid is null
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15219-1] <14243873>LOG:  statement: select 
poll_submit_id from part_poll where part_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15220-1] <14243873>LOG:  statement: delete 
from discuss_mail_queue
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15221-1] <14243873>LOG:  statement: select 
rs_id from part_report_submission where part_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15222-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: SELECT 
name, value FROM item_property WHERE item_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select  
n.node_id,  n.node_type,  n.node_name,  n.node_description,  n.node_keywords,  
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-2]  n.last_changed,  n.created_by,  
trim(p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name) as created_by_name,  nl.url,  
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-3]  nf.mime_type,  nf.file_name,  
nf.file_id,  nfold.folder_quota, ni.part_id, ni.nav_visible, ni.orient_visible,
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-4]  ni.separate_window, 
np.portfolio_type, np.course_id, np.objective_id, np.document_node_id,  
nopc.meta_name as
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-5]  portfolio_target_name, nopc.id as 
portfolio_target_id, nopc.type as portfolio_target_type, nc.seq from  
node_content nc join
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-6]  node n on (nc.content_node_id = 
n.node_id)  left outer join person p on (n.created_by = p.userid)  left outer 
join node_link nl
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-7]  on (nl.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_file nf on (nf.node_id = n.node_id)  left outer join 
node_folder nfold on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-8]  (nfold.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_item ni on (ni.node_id = n.node_id)  left outer join 
node_portfolio np on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-9]  (np.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_objective nop on (nop.node_id = np.objective_id)  left outer 
join component nopc
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-10]  on (nopc.id = 
nop.objective_type_id) where nc.node_id = $1 order by nc.seq
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15224-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: SELECT 
name, value FROM item_property WHERE item_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select  
n.node_id,  n.node_type,  n.node_name,  n.node_description,  n.node_keywords,  
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-2]  n.last_changed,  n.created_by,  
trim(p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name) as created_by_name,  nl.url,  
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-3]  nf.mime_type,  nf.file_name,  
nf.file_id,  nfold.folder_quota, ni.part_id, ni.nav_visible, ni.orient_visible,
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-4]  ni.separate_window, 
np.portfolio_type, np.course_id, np.objective_id, np.document_node_id,  
nopc.meta_name as
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-5]  portfolio_target_name, nopc.id as 
portfolio_target_id, nopc.type as portfolio_target_type, nc.seq from  
node_content nc join
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-6]  node n on (nc.content_node_id = 
n.node_id)  left outer join person p on (n.created_by = p.userid)  left outer 
join node_link nl
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-7]  on (nl.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_file nf on (nf.node_id = n.node_id)  left outer join 
node_folder nfold on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-8]  (nfold.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_item ni on (ni.node_id = n.node_id)  left outer join 
node_portfolio np on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-9]  (np.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_objective nop on (nop.node_id = np.objective_id)  left outer 
join component nopc
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-10]  on (nopc.id = 
nop.objective_type_id) where nc.node_id = $1 order by nc.seq
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15226-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: SELECT * 
FROM course_prefs WHERE course_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15227-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select 
p.meta_name, p.meta_info, h.start_file_id, h.use_pp_css, p.htype, p.scorm_type, 
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15227-2]  from part p left outer join 
html_part h on (p.id = h.part_id) where p.id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15228-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select * 
from course_nav where course_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15229-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select 
pq.q_submit_id, qs.max_time, qs.lock_other_content from part_quiz pq join 
q_submit qs on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15229-2]  (qs.id = pq.q_submit_id) where 
pq.part_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15230-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select * 
from course_nav_item where course_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15231-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select 
qsc.q_submit_id, qs.lock_other_content from q_submit_comp qsc join 
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15231-2]  ppc on (qsc.q_comp_id = 
ppc.component_id) join q_submit qs on (qs.id = qsc.q_submit_id) where 
ppc.part_id = $1 and qs.max_time
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15231-3]  is not null limit 1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15232-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select 
abstract_id, prop_id from course where id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15233-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select 
poll_submit_id from part_poll where part_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15234-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select 
custom_nav_id from course_custom_nav where course_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15235-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select 
rs_id from part_report_submission where part_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15236-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select 1 
from pim where type >= 0 and read = false and recipient = $1 limit 1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15237-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: SELECT 
name, value FROM item_property WHERE item_id = $1
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-1] <14243874>LOG:  statement: select  
n.node_id,  n.node_type,  n.node_name,  n.node_description,  n.node_keywords,  
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-2]  n.last_changed,  n.created_by,  
trim(p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name) as created_by_name,  nl.url,  
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-3]  nf.mime_type,  nf.file_name,  
nf.file_id,  nfold.folder_quota, ni.part_id, ni.nav_visible, ni.orient_visible,
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-4]  ni.separate_window, 
np.portfolio_type, np.course_id, np.objective_id, np.document_node_id,  
nopc.meta_name as
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-5]  portfolio_target_name, nopc.id as 
portfolio_target_id, nopc.type as portfolio_target_type, nc.seq from  
node_content nc join
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-6]  node n on (nc.content_node_id = 
n.node_id)  left outer join person p on (n.created_by = p.userid)  left outer 
join node_link nl
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-7]  on (nl.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_file nf on (nf.node_id = n.node_id)  left outer join 
node_folder nfold on
Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-8]  (nfold.node_id = n.node_id)  left 
outer join node_item ni on (ni.node_id = n.node_id)  left outer join 
node_portfolio np on
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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