On Jun 8, 2005, at 4:47 AM, Együd Csaba wrote:

I'd like to use a Postgres 8 server from different locales (english, german, hungarian, etc.). I can implement gettext into my client application so the only thing i'd need (at least I think so) is a .po (or an .mo) file for each

I looked into Postgres installation directories and found several .mo files
under the locale directory. But I wasn't able to find the string "no
password supplied" for example in neither of them. Where can I obtain a
message translation or at least a gettext template? Are there translations
available for the above mentioned languages?

Download the source and look in the "po" directory for the program you are interested in. Each language has a .po file. For the backend you want


There are translations for German and Hungarian.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL

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