Am Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2005 17:45 schrieb Kilian Hagemann:
> Hi there,
> I know this subject has come up before many times, but I'm struggling for
> hours with the following problem and none of the posts seem to have a
> solution. I have a table with a good 13 million entries with
> station_data=# \d speed
>        Table "public.speed"
>    Column   |   Type   | Modifiers
> --------------+----------+-----------
>  set_id       | smallint | not null
>  rec_time   | abstime | not null
>  wind_speed | smallint |
> Indexes:
>     "speed_pkey" primary key, btree (set_id, rec_time)
> I use lots of queries of the form SELECT * FROM speed WHERE set_id=xxx AND
> rec_time >=yyy where xxx is an integer and yyy is an abstime. At first, I
> battled to get the query planner to use an index at all, even when forcing,
> but
> suggested I need to use set_id=5::smallint. It works, but why is pg not
> intelligent enough to figure out that the literal 5 and smallint are
> compatible?
> So I thought I had solved my problem, but then it still refused to use the
> index, even though sequential scans are prohibitively expensive:
> station_data=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM speed WHERE set_id=5::smallint
> AND rec_time >= '1999/01/01'::abstime;
>                                                       QUERY PLAN
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on speed 
> (cost=0.00..276640.28 rows=677372 width=8) (actual
> time=14024.081..78236.525 rows=652389 loops=1)
>    Filter: ((set_id = 5::smallint) AND (rec_time >= '1999-01-01
> 00:00:00+02'::abstime))
>  Total runtime: 80156.330 ms
> When I explicitly turn off sequential scans by issuing "SET enable_seqscan
> TO OFF;", I get what I want:
> station_data=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM speed WHERE set_id=5::smallint
> AND rec_time >= '1999/01/01'::abstime;
>                                                               QUERY PLAN
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>----------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using
> speed_pkey on speed  (cost=0.00..2009924.87 rows=677372 width=8) (actual
> time=50.070..5775.698 rows=652389 loops=1)
>    Index Cond: ((set_id = 5::smallint) AND (rec_time >= '1999-01-01
> 00:00:00+02'::abstime))
>  Total runtime: 8819.371 ms
> which is 10 times faster. We're down to the last recommendation of section
> 11.8 in the documentation, so I increased the statistics gathered with "SET
> default_statistics_target TO 50;", but that makes no difference either.
> Am I left to disable seqscans for eternity (in which case may I file a bug)
> or is there something else I might be missing?

some hints:
- You never want to set enable_seq off in production database.
- did you run "VACUUM ANALYZE speed" lately?
- what version are you running?
- if you look at the cost values you can see what cost the planner expects. 
"actual time" is what it tooks to really execute the query. You see in 
example 1 with seq-scan the estimated cost is 276,640 and with index scan it 
is 2,009,924. So the planner chooses the seq scan. Maybe because you have not 
analyzed lately? 
- another parameter to look at is random_page_cost: "Sets the planner's 
estimate of the cost of a nonsequentially fetched disk page. This is measured 
as a multiple of the cost of a sequential page fetch. A higher value makes it 
more likely a sequential scan will be used, a lower value makes it more 
likely an index scan will be used. The default is four." 

kind regards,

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