# kleptog@svana.org / 2005-08-10 10:02:20 +0200:
> After going through pgsql-general a bit I figured there were a few
> important questions missing from the FAQ, so I wrote some.
> Comments welcome. I can write more, if people can suggest things to
> write about. I was thinking something about collation and locales but
> I'm sure sure I understand them myself.

> +    <H3><A name="4.22">4.22</A>) Why are PostgreSQL table names 
> case-sensitive?</H3>

    http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/features.html doesn't
    contain "fold" (as in "case folding") at all, doesn't this topic
    belong rather there? The FAQ entry could point to, and maybe extend,
    the (still nonexistent) text in that document.

> +    <H3><A name="4.23">4.23</A>) Why is PostgreSQL only using one CPU to 
> execute my query?</H3>

    Something like this is missing from

> +    <H3><A name="4.25">4.25</A>) What does 'index row size ... exceeds btree 
> maximum, 2713' mean?</H3>
> +
> +    <P>Unlike some databases, PostgreSQL allows you to create an index on
> +    any column, including unlimited text fields. However, B-Tree indexes
> +    need to be able to hold at least three key values per page and since the
> +    pagesize defaults to 8K minus some overhead, this means the maximum key
> +    size is 2713 bytes.

    This is missing from
    and/or http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/indexes.html

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.             http://bash.org/?255991

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