On 11/1/05, Welty, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Scott Marlowe writes:
> > and PostgreSQL enjoys a MUCH richer and easier to use
> >set of utilities.  I find psql to be much much easier to drive than
> >oracle's SQL*PLus, which makes my head hurt.
> i have to use the informix dbaccess tool here at the day job a lot.
> hate it. psql is so much nicer...
> i do not have fond memories of SQL*Plus, either.

Yes, sqlplus looks especially bad once you're used to banging around
in psql.  Although, I recently discovered rlwrap (a generic readline
wrapper) which makes sqlplus almost tolerable.  It's the best thing to
happen to sqlplus since... well, since "quit" I suppose.


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