You should look up the contrib module ltree which is made for this
sort of thing.  If you reinvent the wheel like this, you will be stuck
with 2 levels.  With ltree you can have as many as you need and add
more at any time.  It lets you query for ancestors and descendants of
any item at any level.

I highly recommend it.

On 4/19/06, Martin Kuria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a postgresql database Table Categories which has the structure like
> this
> Cat_ID | Parent_ID | Name
> ------------------------------------
> 1 | 0 | Automobiles
> 2 | 0 | Beauty & Health
> 3 | 1 | Bikes
> 4 | 1 | Cars
> 5 | 3 | Suzuki
> 6 | 3 | Yamaha
> 7 | 0 | Clothes
> According to the above Database data, Suzuki and Yamaha are the
> Subcategories of Category Bikes and Bikes in turn is the Subcategory of
> Automobiles.
> My question is what is the advantage of Creating NESTED Table over have a
> table structure below which achieve the same goal:
> >>Category Table
> Cat_ID | Cat_Name
> ------------------------------------
> 1 | Automobiles
> 2 | Beauty & Health
> 3 | Bikes
> 4 | Cars
> 7 | Clothes
> >>Subcategory Table
> Subcat_ID | Sub_Cat_ID | Sub_Name
> ------------------------------------------------------
> 10 | 3 | Suzuki
> 11 | 3 | Yamaha
> 12 | 1 | Bikes
> 13 | 1 | Cars
> Since all display the data in them in a tree structure like below
> Automobiles
> ---> Bikes
> ------> Suzuki
> ------> Yamaha
> ---> Cars
> Beauty & Health
> Clothes
> Please advice should I Create a Nested Table Categories or
> Should I create TWO Tables, Category Table and Subcategory Table?
> Thanks once again.
> +-----------------------------------------------------+
> | Martin W. Kuria (Mr.) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +----------------------------------------------------+
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