Tino Wildenhain wrote:

A. Kretschmer schrieb:
Someone asks for a Login-Procedure like Sybase:

  set OPTION PUBLIC.LOGIN_PROCEDURE='meine_tolle_prozedur';

I think, this i possibly a nice feature, either per user or for all
users. We have a 'ALTER USER name SET parameter ...', simply add a new
Parameter 'login_procedure' and call this procedure?

I wonder what this procedure should do? :-)

If I had something like this (what I would describe as an "ON CONNECT TRIGGER"), I'd use it to update a table identifying the last time a user logged in to the data base. Or maybe even use it to update their password expiration date to NOW()+30 DAYS, so that the data base automatically expires accounts that aren't being used.

Berend Tober
fn:Berend Tober
org:Seaworthy Systems, Inc.
adr:;;22 Main Street;Centerbrook;CT;06409;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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