On 7/29/06, gene Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a pg_hba.conf file that is setup like this

host    db1 user1            md5

 From time to time, my ISP changes my ip address on me.
At that point, my connection to this DB is denied.

I have to log in (ssh) to my server, edit this file with the new ip
address, save and restart to get connectivity back.

Is there a way to have a secure connection that can withstand
changing ip addresses?

I think the best solution for you would be some form of VPN,
perhaps IPsec, or vtund (if you're using *nix).

Generally, when you change your IP, you will lose the connection.
And you also have to tell that machine that you changed the IP,
either manually (ssh to server, as you wrote) or automagically
(using the script which will ssh, change the file, signal the DB).

If you set a VPN, you will always have the same IP address, say, no matter what your ISP has selected for you now,
and connections to that address can persist your IP changes
(depends how VPN is set up, but it's doable).


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