Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
> On 4 Nov 2006 at 18:24, Alain Roger wrote:
>> However, i've read that before i must restore the image by exporting
>> them to local (on server) file. 
> You can use bytea type to store binary data directly in the database -
>  if it's any use to you, I can send you some ASP code that does this.

bytea is not always a good idea. It depends on the size of the data you
are storing. If you are storing pretty much anything greater than 200k I
would suggest moving to pg_largeobject instead.

Joshua D. Drake

> There was a thread recently on the merits of doing it this way, as 
> opposed to storing the image on the filesystem and keeping just 
> metadata in the DB - you'll find it in the archives.
> --Ray.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Raymond O'Donnell
> Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Galway, Ireland
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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