On 1/23/07, Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 01:31:23AM +0800, Erick Papadakis wrote:
> I am not speaking of exotic platforms like some obscure fork of POSIX
> or something. I am speaking of Cpanel/WHM with Linux (CentOS in my
> case) which must be hosted on hundreds of thousands of webservers
> around the world.

Setting aside the fact that I don't even know what Cpanel is, I'm not

I think it's some sort of serum they inject into semi-skilled i.t.
workers that makes them arrogant and spout off random poorly
constructed off topic posts on professional mailing lists while asking
for help in the same breath.  Fortunately, I never went to college and
missed my shot.


[p.s. view sure is great from the ivory tower!]

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