Is there still a problem here?  Does anyone know what the
problem was?  I have no trouble accessing,
but I am not a good tester for that.

I was out of town during this thread but my machine did not
go down, but my isp could have. 
You could have emailed me [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 02:50:04PM -0200, Jorge Godoy wrote:
> "Alejandro D. Burne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Me too, from Argentina, may be don't like south america?
> It looks to me like one of those stupid and indiscriminated blocks on 200/8
> and 201/8 networks...  :-(
> Anyway, I believe that now it is more than clear that there's nothing on my
> networks and firewalls that is blocking Varlena on my side...  If anybody
> could pass these messages to them, I believe that we (the blocked people)
> would all be very grateful if we get to be able to access it again or just get
> a notice that they'll block us forever and that's it. 
> -- 
> Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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