You could use COUNT() in conjunction with NULLIF:

select "Type",
count(nullif("Active", false)) as "Active Count",
count(nullif("Active", true)) as "Inactive Count",
100 * count(nullif("Active", false)) / count(*) as "Active Percent"
from table_name group by "Type"

On Feb 23, 2:50 pm, "Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about using Group By.
> On a table like this:
> Type (varchar)     |     Active (boolean)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Type One           |      False
> Type Two           |      True
> Type One           |      True
> Type Fifty           |      Flase
> Type Two           |      True
> Having this table I want a report grouping Types and giving me more
> statistics such as:
> Type    |    Active Count    |     Inactive Count    |    Active
> Percent
> How do i do that?
> I can think of :
> select Type from table_name group by Type
> But that doesn't give me how many active and inactive each had!
> Please help me here understand how to approach this.
> Thank you,
> Mike

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