"Phil Endecott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have two tables containing chronological data, and I want to join them using
> the timestamps.  The challenge is that the timestamps only match 
> approximately.
> My first attempt was something like
>   t1 join t2 on (abs(t1.t-t2.t)<'1 min'::interval)
> Of course there is no "abs" for intervals, and I couldn't think of anything
> better than this
>   t1 join t2 on (t1.t-t2.t<'1 min'::interval and t2.t-t1.t<'1 min'::interval)
> What indexes could I add to make this moderately efficient?
> But that query isn't really good enough.  There is no single "epsillon" value
> that works for this data set.  I really want to find the closest match.
> I feel that it ought to be possible to step through the two tables in
> timestamp order matching up elements.  Is there any way to express this is 
> SQL?
> (One detail is that the left table has fewer rows than the right table, and I
> want one output row for each row in the left table.)
> Many thanks for any suggestions.

Untested, but what about something like a function that does (pseudocode below):

          select (min(t1.t) > ref_time) as above_t1
          select (max(t1.t) < ref_time) as below_t1
          if ((above_t1 - below_t1) =< '0 seconds'::interval then
             return above_t1
             return below_t1

to find out the nearest time with regards to t1 when compared to a reference
time that should be the time you're looking for.

Do the same for t2... 

I haven't checked the docs if there's something that already makes your life
easier :-)

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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