On Apr 20, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Jeff Davis wrote:

This is more correct structure, and yes, it would involve a join.

I know thats the 'more correct' way -- but I can't do the join , which is why I posted about a 2 column unique index. I tested with a join before posting - i have an already large table that is growing quickly. in order to use the join and keep current performance I'd need to scale out in hardware - which is just not an option right now. searching 100M records vs searching 100M records + a join is a huge difference. when you try to do analytics, its just not appropriate in my situation.

No, it does not mean you need to rewrite anything. Use a view; that's
the great benefit you get from using a relational database like

i'd have to rewrite everything that reads from that table to use the view instead of the current query, and then worry about inserts.

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