On May 15, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Bill Moseley wrote:

For some value of "large", is there a time when one might consider
using a single column in the user or user_prefs table to represent
their color choices instead of a link table?

We use bitfields on our large user table. It is becoming unworkable to scan for matches, since overall most people have very few selections made.

We are moving it to a model like your favorite_colors table which just links the option and the user.

We find that doing joins on large tables which can be indexed to avoid full table scans are very fast in postgres, since the index can do much of your culling of potential matching rows. With bitfields, you are more or less forced into doing a sequence scan to find everyone who likes the color red.

Of course, if you're playing with only a few thousand users, either approach works well.

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