On 6/14/2007, "Gregory Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> But everyone once in a long while it seems that I hit simultaneaous
>> execute() statements that deadlock on the insertion.
>What version of Postgres is this and do you have any foreign key constraints
>or triggers on the table you're inserting into?

Version 8.2
This table does not have foreign key constraints on it, but it is the
source of foreign key constraints on other tables.
No triggers.

 Is that insert the *only* DML
>you're executing? No updates or deletes?

At the time of the failure, no other DML.
There are other's but they are on different tables.
>What do you mean by saying it deadlocks? Do you get a transaction abort with
>an error about a deadlock detected? Or do you just mean it freezes?

"deadlock detected"
And the corresponding error I get is a primary key violation on the same

The problem occurs when I have multiple processes acting on what appears
to be the exact same set of information.  I can't really control the
issue of simultaneous/parallel processing

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