On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 01:27:49PM -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Justin Pryzby wrote:
> > After adding extended/MV stats to a few of our tables a few days ago, it 
> > looks
> > like I wasn't been paying attention and this first crashed 2 nights ago.  
> > Why
> > at 1am?  not sure.  I have an "reindex" job which runs at 1am, and an
> > vacuum/analyze job which runs at 2am, but I don't use cron to change
> > autovac/analyze thresholds..
> Can you please show the definition of the table and of the extended
> stats?

gtt=# SELECT stxrelid::regclass, stxname, stxkind FROM pg_statistic_ext ORDER 
BY 1;
                    stxrelid                     |                          
stxname                          | stxkind 
 daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_view_201603     | 
daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_view_201603_key_stats     | {d,f}
 daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_eul_view_201603 | 
daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_eul_view_201603_key_stats | {d,f}
 daily_eric_umts_rnc_utrancell_view_201603       | 
daily_eric_umts_rnc_utrancell_view_201603_key_stats       | {d,f}
 daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_view_201504     | 
daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_view_201504_key_stats     | {d,f}
 daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_eul_view_201504 | 
daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_eul_view_201504_key_stats | {d,f}
 daily_eric_umts_rnc_utrancell_view_201504       | 
daily_eric_umts_rnc_utrancell_view_201504_key_stats       | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201603                  | 
daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201603_key_stats                  | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201503                  | 
daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201503_key_stats                  | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201502                  | 
daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201502_key_stats                  | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201501                  | 
daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201501_key_stats                  | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201603               | 
daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201603_key_stats               | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201503               | 
daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201503_key_stats               | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201502               | 
daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201502_key_stats               | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201501               | 
daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201501_key_stats               | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_cell_view_201603                   | 
daily_enodeb_cell_view_201603_key_stats                   | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_cell_view_201502                   | 
daily_enodeb_cell_view_201502_key_stats                   | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_201603                             | 
daily_enodeb_201603_key_stats                             | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_201503                             | 
daily_enodeb_201503_key_stats                             | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_201502                             | 
daily_enodeb_201502_key_stats                             | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_201501                             | 
daily_enodeb_201501_key_stats                             | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_cell_view_201710                   | x                            
                             | {d,f}
 daily_cdr_pstn_user_201711                      | 
daily_cdr_pstn_user_201711_key_stats                      | {d,f}
 daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_eul_view_201711 | 
daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_eul_view_201711_key_stats | {d,f}
 daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_view_201711     | 
daily_umts_eric_cell_traffic_hs_view_201711_key_stats     | {d,f}
 daily_eric_umts_rnc_utrancell_view_201711       | 
daily_eric_umts_rnc_utrancell_view_201711_key_stats       | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201711               | 
daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201711_key_stats               | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_cell_view_201711                   | 
daily_enodeb_cell_view_201711_key_stats                   | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201711                  | 
daily_enodeb_ncell_view_201711_key_stats                  | {d,f}
 daily_enodeb_201711                             | 
daily_enodeb_201711_key_stats                             | {d,f}
(29 rows)

Here's the table which was 1) reindexed (including its toast) and 2)

gtt=# \d+ daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201711
                Column                |            Type             | Collation 
| Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 device_id                            | smallint                    |           
| not null |         | plain    | 400          | 
 site_id                              | smallint                    |           
| not null |         | plain    | 400          | 
 start_time                           | timestamp without time zone |           
| not null |         | plain    | 0            | 
 bbprocessingresource                 | text                        |           
| not null |         | extended | 400          | 
 interval_seconds                     | bigint                      |           
|          |         | plain    |              | 
 interval_seconds_min                 | smallint                    |           
|          |         | plain    |              | 
 interval_seconds_max                 | smallint                    |           
|          |         | plain    |              | 
 nbevt                                | bigint                      |           
|          |         | plain    |              | 
 nbevt_min                            | integer                     |           
|          |         | plain    |              | 
 nbevt_max                            | integer                     |           
|          |         | plain    |              | 

    "daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201711_unique_idx" UNIQUE, btree (start_time, 
site_id, device_id, bbprocessingresource)
Check constraints:
    "daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201711_start_time_check" CHECK (start_time >= 
'2017-11-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone AND start_time < '2017-12-01 
00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)
Statistics objects:
    "public"."daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201711_key_stats" (ndistinct, 
dependencies) ON device_id, site_id, start_time, bbprocessingresource FROM 
Inherits: daily_enodeb_baseband_view
Options: autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.005, autovacuum_analyze_threshold=2

gtt=# SELECT * FROM pg_statistic_ext WHERE 
stxrelid        | 691157026
stxname         | daily_enodeb_baseband_view_201711_key_stats
stxnamespace    | 2200
stxowner        | 18819
stxkeys         | 1 2 3 4
stxkind         | {d,f}
stxndistinct    | 
stxdependencies | 


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