Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> On 11/28/2017 12:06 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> One thing we'd definitely better do is enable some buildfarm coverage.
>> AFAIK, the only buildfarm animal that's building the docs is guaibasaurus,
>> and it only seems to be doing that on HEAD.  Since this has considerably
>> increased the risks of back-patching creating busted docs in the back
>> branches, we'd better spin up some back-branch testing as well.

> crake builds the docs on all branches pretty regularly. I have changed
> its config so it builds them pretty much every build.

Oh, excellent, thanks.

> Of course, it's only building the HTML docs. Do we need more than that?
> Continuously making PDFs seems a bit excessive.

I think sanity-checking the SGML/XML is the only part we need to do
regularly, so building HTML seems like plenty.  The only point of
doing test PDF builds is to check for the link-crosses-a-page issue,
and I do not think it's worth worrying about that except very near
to a release.  A problem we fix today might be gone tomorrow anyway.

                        regards, tom lane

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