Hello Robert,

The fact that the return type is not consistently of one type bothers
me.  I'm not sure pgbench's expression language is a good place to
runtime polymorphism -- SQL doesn't work that way.


Pg has a NUMERIC adaptative precision version, which is cheating, because it can return kind of an "int" or a "float", depending on whether there are digits after the decimal point or not.

Pgbench does not have support for NUMERIC, just INT & DOUBLE, so the current version is an approximation of that.

Now it is always possible to just do DOUBLE version, but this won't match SQL behavior either.

+ /*
+  * pow() for integer values with exp >= 0. Matches SQL pow() behaviour
+  */

What's the name of the backend function whose behavior this matches?

POW(numeric,numeric) -> numeric, which matches "numeric_power".


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