On 12/11/2017 06:22 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 11:59 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> Tomas Vondra <tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
>>> On 12/11/2017 05:27 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>>>> However, unless we want to run around and touch all the ~ 150 calls
>>>> with constant arguments, we'd have to set things up so that the default
>>>> behavior for AllocSetContextCreate is to not copy.  This risks breaking
>>>> callers in extensions.  Not entirely sure if it's worth that --- any
>>>> thoughts?
>>> I don't think silently breaking extensions is particularly attractive
>>> option, so I guess we'll have to run around and tweak the ~150 calls.
>> Meh.  I suppose that of the ~150 call sites, there are probably only
>> a dozen or two where it would actually make a performance difference,
>> so maybe this needn't be quite as invasive as I first thought.
> I think changing only a subset of the call sites is unappealing
> because, even though it may not make a measurable performance
> difference in other cases, it may get cargo-culted into some place
> where it does make a difference.

Not sure. One the one hand, it might certainly be somewhat confusing
when we use two different methods to create memory contexts with C
string constants. On the other hand, I'm sure we have other similar
"local" optimizations.

I'd say "let's just tweak all the calls to use the new function" but I'm
not the person doing the leg work ...

> I also don't think silently breaking extensions is a terribly big deal
> in this case.  It seems likely that most extensions use static names
> just as most of our internal stuff does.  I'm going to guess that the
> number of extensions that will actually break as a result of a change
> in this area is probably very small - conceivably zero, and likely
> less than five.  I don't think we should be willing to uglify the core
> code too much for that level of breakage.

I don't know how many extensions you maintain, but in my experience this
type of silent breakage is extremely annoying. I definitely prefer a
clean compile-time API breakage, for example.


Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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