On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 7:09 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> * The complaint I had about the "container" terminology isn't just
> terminology.  Rather, there is a bunch of knowledge in the system that
> some data types can be found embedded in other types; for one example,
> see find_composite_type_dependencies.  In the case of standard arrays,
> it's clear that the array type does contain its element type in this
> sense, and we'd better be aware of that in situations such as applying
> DDL that changes the element type.  It's much less clear what it means
> if you say that type X has a subscripting function that yields type Y.
> I think the issue can be ignored as long as Y is not a type mutable by
> any provided DDL commands, but is that OK as a permanent restriction?
> If not, do we need to do anything about it in the v1 patch?  If we don't,
> do we need to enforce some restriction on what Y can be for types
> other than true arrays?

Well, if I set things up so that subscripting foo by integer returns
bar, that doesn't seem to be much different, from the point of view of
type dependencies, from CREATE FUNCTION some_function_name(foo,
integer) RETURNS bar.  I suppose that if this gets stored in the
pg_type entry for foo, that type just develops a dependencies on the
subscripting functions which, I suppose, makes them indirectly
dependent on the return types of those functions.  I'm not sure why
that wouldn't be sufficient.  It's true that you might be able to
alter the type in some way that would break it, but that's equally
true of the CREATE FUNCTION case:

rhaas=# create table foo (a int, b text);
rhaas=# create or replace function fooify(foo) returns int as $$select
$1.a$$ language sql;
rhaas=# select fooify('(1,tgl)'::foo);
(1 row)
rhaas=# alter table foo rename column a to c;
rhaas=# select fooify('(1,tgl)'::foo);
ERROR:  column "a" not found in data type foo
LINE 1: select $1.a
QUERY:  select $1.a
CONTEXT:  SQL function "fooify" during inlining

> * There are other identifiable array-specific behaviors that people
> might expect a generic subscripting feature to let them into.
> For example, if we allow JSONB to be subscripted to obtain TEXT,
> does that mean a polymorphic function f(x anyarray) should now match
> JSONB?  It's even more fun if you decide that subscripting JSONB
> should yield JSONB, which is probably a more useful definition than
> TEXT really.  Then ANYARRAY and ANYELEMENT would need to be the same
> type, which is likely to blow holes in the polymorphic type code,
> though I've not looked closely for problems.  In the same vein, if
> JSONB is subscriptable, should "x = ANY(y)" work for y of type JSONB?
> I'm not actually sure that we'd want these sorts of things to happen,
> even as follow-on extensions.  For instance, a polymorphic function
> f(x anyarray) would very likely think it can apply array_dims(x) or
> iterate from array_lower(x,1) to array_upper(x,1).  Providing it
> a subscripting function won't get you far if the subscripts aren't
> consecutive integers.

Our SQL dialect is statically typed; trying to support duck-typing
seems likely to create a lot of problems.  True, we have a single
datatype for one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, but I think
most people would view that as an anti-feature.  We also have some
provision for dynamic record types, but it feels pretty kludgy.

> * There's an awful lot of places in the backend that call get_element_type
> or get_base_element_type or type_is_array or type_is_array_domain, and
> aren't touched by the patch as it stands.  Some of them might represent
> dependencies that we need to worry about that don't fall under either of
> the above categories.  So just touching the places that mess with ArrayRef
> isn't getting us real far in terms of being sure we've considered
> everything that needs considering.

No argument there.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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