Christoph Berg <> writes:
> Re: Peter Eisentraut 2018-01-17 
> <>
>> So what is the next action this thread?  I think --with-extra-version is
>> the right solution for packagers, so I'm tempted to close this commit
>> fest item.  There is some speculation that using it could break
>> third-party tools, but (a) we would need more concrete evidence, (b) we
>> should fix *that* then, and (c) it's likely unavoidable in general.

> If you think I should use that for the packages in Debian and on
>, I can do that. I just fear it will explode
> in all sorts of ways...

Well, do that and see ;-).

IMO there's not really any evidence that we need an additional mechanism
in this space.  I don't see any way to get that evidence unless some
packager tries to use the existing mechanism and hits insurmountable

                        regards, tom lane

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